Camloc quarter turns

Camloc quarter turns USA

Camloc Light Duty Quarter Turns

Camloc light duty

Camloc Light Duty Quarter Turns

The light duty quarter turns series are the smallest quarter turn solutions offer from Camloc. Light duty quarter turns are commonly used in electrical appliances, switchboards and small machinery. There are 6 light duty quarter turn series.

Camloc Medium Duty Quarter Turns

Camloc Medium Duty Quarter Turns

The medium duty quarter turns series have a lower tensile strenght and workload value than the heavy duty series. Medium duty quarter turns are commonly used for aircraft interiors, light machinery and appliances. In total Camloc is able to offer you 7 medium duty quarter turn series.

Camloc Heavy Duty Quarter Turns

Camloc Heavy Duty Quarter Turns

The heavy duty quarter turn series are the strongest quarter turns available in the Camloc quarter turns product range. Heavy duty quarter turns are commonly used for applications from the heavy industry, automotive, automatisation,... There are 3 different series in the heavy duty quarter range, each offering you distinct properties.