Camloc latches

Camloc Latches

Tension latch fasteners are a safe locking system for industrial applications.

One of the properties of these tension latch fasteners is that they can take high tensile loads. Lateral forces must be kept off the tension latch by the design of the parts linked with each other.

Via lever action, the panels connected with the tension latch fastener and the strike are pulled together, though if necessary, a stop must be provided.

The tension latch fastener achieve a positive lock when the drawhook center is beyond the common center line of the base and strike.

To unlock the tension latch fastener, the secondary lock (if applied) is operated and the handle lifted.

To lock the tension latch fastener, the secondary lock automatically engages.

Most of these tension latch fasteners can be adjusted by a drawhook.

With the fixed series of tension latch fasteners, a spring-steel drawhook serves for tolerance.

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